Saturday 21 May 2011

Trade Show Booth is Either a Winner or a Loser – What’s Yours?

Walking around a trade show or other type of symposium there may be hundreds of trade show booths with many diverse products and services on show; however try to think back to the last trade show which your company sent you to as a potential buyer and which trade show booth jumped out and spoke volumes and had an inexorable pull about it, and which trade show booth or booths really looked bland and, well, out of place?
The difference between a bad trade show booth and an excellent trade show booth which attracts visitors to your stand like a pot of honey attracts the busy bees boils down to three basic things:
• Careful design and planning
• Bags of experience in trade show booth design and manufacture
• A trade show booth company that actually has your best interests at heart
If your company has an up and coming trade show in the next month or so then forget it; it is far too late to start planning for it, although that is not to say it could not be prepared for.
However it is far better to start the planning process and the subsequent manufacture of the trade show booth well in advance, so that the trade show booth manufacturer has plenty of time to get the feel of your company product or service but equally important is that they talk to the in-house sales and marketing team to get the feel of how the team works together, how the product works in the market place and what your company expects from the trade show and how the company approaches a trade show appearance.
Trade shows cost an arm and a leg to organize and attend, and the return on investment (ROI) needs to be maximized.
It is imperative to get the trade booth located on a plot in the trade show where there are plenty of foot falls of visitors and is not situated at the end of an aisle or near a food court or anywhere near a toilet facility.
All of this including the design, manufacture, storage and transport of the trade show stand should be left to an expert company that has many years experience in the field.
Strategic planning and complete project management of the design, manufacture and placement of your company trade booth should be left in the capable hands of the experts while your sales and marketing team are left to do what they do best – sell your product or services.
Call on Worden Displays at their web address, Let them bring their expertise to your sales table and create a killer trade show booth for a killer trade show.
Is your next trade show booth going to be a winner or a loser?

1 comment:

  1. This seems to be a great site which offers Banner Stands, Pop Display, Banner Stands, Banner Stands Retractable, Counter Display, Pop Up Booths, Pop Up Display, Pop Up Displays, Trade Show Booth, Trade Show Display, Trade Show Display Rental, Trade Show Displays, Trade Show Exhibit etc. and i would surely like to try their service...i had been relying on earlier and they too offered good stuff.
