Wednesday 8 June 2011

Rain Harvesting – The Simple Solution to Diminishing Water Resources

In the early years of the 21st century a growing world population is coming to realize that the single most abundant natural resource nature has to offer is rapidly dwindling – so much so that even the most developed nations on earth are now realizing this commodity needs to be used as sparingly as possible in order to conserve what little we have.
What is this natural resource? Water, pure and simple!
Rain harvesting is a supremely cost effective method of collecting and distributing water in and around a commercial or residential complex, thereby taking the pressure off the potable water supplied by the municipality or utility company.
Rain harvesting is the answer to literally flushing millions of gallons down the toilet every year and saving the potable (drinking quality) water supply for what it is intended for – drinking.
Every single drop of water that arrives into your business premises or residential complex has to be treated to ensure it is clean and ok for consumption; however the water used for drinking and flushing the toilet all comes from the same pipes.
Imagine the amount of money that could be saved if the amount of water your business or residential complex uses and which is supplied by the utilities could be severely reduced and rain water could be used for flushing toilets, watering gardens and many other uses where potable water is not required.
Recycling water which runs from showers and sinks as well as rain harvesting has the potential to save a company or residential association tens of thousands of dollars a year, and the impact that would have on complete water conservation throughout the United States.
The pressure now is building up on municipalities, local and state government as well as businesses and residences of all sizes to start making the change now in order to be ready for the inevitable coming shortages.
Consider the situation the world finds itself in now with oil and gasoline supplies, this is going to mirror itself in water supplies over this next century; however it is going to be sooner rather than later that rain harvesting has to be implemented more of a requirement than as a luxury.
Water table levels are depleting while populations are growing, and as the populations of the worlds’ nations increase exponentially so adequate supplies of clean fresh water will deplete at a similar rate.
However the one thing we have in abundance and will keep coming ad infinitum is water in the form of rain, and all ready for rain harvesting.
Call in Water Harvesting Solutions, DBA Wahaso today; advice, planning, design, installation, implementation and commissioning of innovative and cutting edge rain harvesting systems which will go some way to reducing water bills AND impacting positively on the environment. Find them at their web address,

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