Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Diving Courses London – Learn to Recognise the Symptoms of Decompression Sickness

Decompression sickness and the associated dangers and risks are just two of the items discussed and taught to students on diving courses London Hyperbaric Medicine regularly hosts at the at Whipps Cross Hospital.
Diving courses London Hyperbaric Medicine regularly host at the Whipps Cross Hospital are available to parties with vested interests in pressurized working environments and are designed as part of what is referred to as a ‘one stop shop’, that is to say medical advice and diving medicals, training to prepare for treatment for decompression sickness, dry dives (chamber dives) to familiarize novice and intermediate divers, pilots and medical professionals alike.
Diving courses London Hyperbaric Medicine regularly host is part of a concerted and concentrated approach to advancing the knowledge to all and any party with a vested interest regarding medical advice and treatment to professional and recreational SCUBA divers, pilots and medical professionals involved with and/or suffering from decompression sickness.
The diving courses London Hyperbaric Medicine regularly host are run and staffed by teams of personnel all of which consist of qualified, competent and diver-friendly professionals and most of the supervisors, nurses and doctors are active divers who understand better than anyone the risks associated with uncontrolled body decompression after having worked in a pressurized environment or at depth underwater.
At best decompression sickness can cause severe discomfort with symptoms including the following:
• Altered consciousness
• Balance and coordination issues
• Memory problems
• Headache, nausea and vomiting
• Vertigo, numbness and tingling
• Joint pain
• Unusual fatigue
• Paralysis
• Skin rashes
• Difficulty walking/standing including muscular weakness
• Difficulty/pain when urinating
• Difficulty breathing
At worst decompression sickness can and does, in extreme circumstances, lead to the death of the sufferer and it can be a very painful death.
The aim of the diving courses London Hyperbaric Medicine regularly host is to educate and further the cause of hyperbaric medicine both in the diving and aeronautic industry but also the centre offers Hyperbaric Treatment in the decompression chamber for diving accidents as well as providing state of the art treatment for wound care services.
The centre is also a leading research facility in hyperbaric oxygen treatment for cancer patients suffering from conditions such as radiation tissue damage; even treatments for sports injury can benefit from hyperbaric chamber treatment.
For interested parties and organization including companies whose business involves employees working at altitude or at depth underwater and requires the use of a pressurized environment, further and more detailed information regarding decompression sickness, signs symptoms and treatment can be obtained diving courses London Hyperbaric Medicine regularly host.
Contact the hyperbaric medicine centre via the website of the Divers Emergency Service UK the address of which is http://www.londonhyperbaric.com.

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