Friday 24 February 2012

Homeopathic remedies - a little of the problem can be the cure

For centuries shaman and medicine men in vastly differing cultures have been using potions and natural cures to heal the sick and make them well again; in the modern world we call these homeopathic remedies and the trick is to use a little of something which creates the same symptoms of the illness to trick the body into repairing itself. Like all medicines and treatments of illness and disease there isn't a hard and fast cure rate, because as with everything else the differences in the physiology between one person and the next can dictate the success rate (or failure rate) of any substance and/or medication or preparation used as a treatment.
This difference is especially true when modern drugs are used on a patient as a treatment; where one antibiotic works for one patient, the patient in the next bed with the same issues will not respond and/or suffers from an allergic reaction or adverse reaction to the treatment. These reactions may in themselves cause further health issues and/or complications for the patient undergoing the treatment.
Natural remedies have been used by shaman and medicine men for centuries as previously mentioned and the first recorded mention of homeopathic remedy treatments was mentioned by Hippocrates some two and a half thousand years ago and has long been an intrinsic element of health care and practice in Greece for hundreds of years. Modern homeopathy has its roots in the sixteenth century although it has to be said it has been established far longer than this.
In the modern world for obvious reasons homeopathic medicines and remedies are as rigidly controlled as regular medicine, thereby ensuring the safety of the patients being administered their own small doses of potential poison.

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