Saturday 30 April 2011

Create a Media Database Easily and Rapidly with Stakeholder Management Software

Create a Media Database that keeps everything in one place to ensure all of your company’s stakeholders are on the same wavelength and there are no loose cannons able to put their foot in it so to speak.
Media fragmentation and the emergence of social media such as Facebook and YouTube mans just about anyone who has a voice and has something to say now has a platform to say it.
Journalists do not hang around for a story anymore; indeed some are prepared to write just about anything to fill copy space and in modern times a company or organisation should be speaking with one voice.
 A database that holds on line all the information required for press release and media communication with 24/7 access available to nominated stakeholders is the safest way to protect your company reputation. Are you prepared and ready, and if not, why not?
You have too much to potentially lose if you are not prepared.

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