Saturday 31 March 2012

Dance record labels aren't all impersonal businesses

Dance record labels aren't all impersonal businesses and the few which are really successful are the ones which understand that dealing with the artists should be like dealing with a customer; after all it is their music being promoted rather than the record label music being promoted. It is often stated that music is a business and yet the number of businesses in the music business which doesn't operate as a business number in their thousands.
Keeping the artist happy is key to a successful business, and this is a principle which sometimes gets lost in the never ending hype of the music business. Music recording artists are sometimes treated less than fairly by their record publishing companies, and yet it doesn't have to be this way and certainly not in these modern times. Communication at all levels is as simple as sending an email, making a call on a cell phone or making a Skype call face to face.
Ultimately the success of a music publishing business is reflected on the success of the recording artists; without the artists a music publisher is less than the sum total of its parts.
A forward looking music publisher is State Records, a refreshing change form impersonal and inward looking dance record labels. For more information about what they can do for your musical future and successful publication, take a look on the website today, the address of which is

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