Wednesday 21 March 2012

All about the Tri generation process

Tri generation implies to the concurrent generation of heating, cooling as well as electricity. The reason what makes it a better technique in comparison to the simple generation of electricity is because it involves capturing the waste heat which is further used in ventilation, heating, air conditioning systems etc. Thus, it is crystal clear that this method leads to more energy efficiency. The conventional power plants usually do not entail heat energy in large amounts, so Tri generation systems make a great choice to be used like on-site generators. It can meet the HVAC as well as power needs of buildings and large complexes at the same time. As the conventional power plants do not involve the use of heat energy and thus very fewer efforts are made regarding harnessing waste heat.
This energy efficient process can be extremely useful in the summers. Talking about what fuel does this process relies on, well commonly it uses natural gas because of its low cost, easy transportation, availability in abundance etc. The best part of this process is that it results in reduced greenhouse emissions. Thus, it is definitely the best option considering the safety of the environment. These systems have a device generally known as absorption chiller to cool down a facility with the use of hot water generated through the process of power generation.
The equipment holds high reliability. Though shutdowns for designed maintenance are needed at regular time intervals while unplanned ones too can happen, it is considered as an extremely safe energy source. The recent Tri generation plants include a nice backing system containing options like grid backup, batteries, chilled as well as hot water storage and many more. Thus, it is indeed a great achievement from the technological point of view to have such a reliable and energy efficient process.

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